Namaqualand (Africa)
Namaqualand (Africa)

Namaqualand (Africa)

 Source: Science Daily


Context: Scientists recently discovered that termite mounds along the Buffels River in Namaqualand are the world’s oldest inhabited, dating back 34,000 years.

What is Namaqualand ?

1. Namaqualand is a desert region in southwestern Africa, extending from the Karas region in Namibia to the Northern Cape province in South Africa. It stretches from the Namib Desert in the west to the Kalahari Desert in the east.The northern part, known as Great Namaqualand, is in Namibia, while the southern part, called Little Namaqualand, is in South Africa.

2. This arid area is known for its succulents and spectacular spring wildflower blooms following winter rains. Historically, the Nama people lived there, mining copper and, later, diamonds were discovered in the early 1900s.

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